The Bible was given by inspiration (II Timothy 3:16) and is absolute in authority. No authority exists which may edit or supersede the precepts given through Scripture (Galatians 1:8, Revelation 22:18-19).


In Amos 3:7 God gave us His Word to send a prophet with a message for His People before major events. The source of the message is not the prophet, but the prophet is the messenger delivering the message from God Himself. Therefore, the message they deliver bears the authority of the Living God, Jesus Christ Himself (Revelation 19:10) announcing what He is about to do!

We observe the pattern of warning before a major event with Noah as God warned the world of the coming flood! Jesus prophesies (Matthew 24:36-42, Luke 17:26-30) of His Second Coming, likening that day to the days of Noah and Lot. In both of those times God warned of judgement before the judgement came.


Many prophecies (Matthew 24, Luke 21 and many others) show us that last days have now arrived. It is the end, at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. That is a major of major events!

Should we be afraid? If the prophecy of Amos is true then there must be a prophet in this time to tell us what is about to happen, giving us the comfort of a timely message from Jesus Christ.


In Malachai 3 God promised to send a prophet with the character and spirit of Elijah to introduce His first coming (Matthew 17:12-13, Mark 9:13).

In Malachai 4 God promised to send another prophet also with the character and spirit of Elijah to restore all truth as preached by the disciples (Matthew 17:10-11) and announce His Second Coming (Malachai 4:5), just before judgement comes.

William Branham was that prophet of Malachai 4. Many miraculous things took place during his life, but even more than miracles the message he delivered was not his own. The message he delivered resonates in harmony with the prophets of all of the ages, pointing to a present Lord Jesus Christ.

In this message from our Lord Jesus, delivered through the prophet to our day, we have peace despite any condition. Like a love note on a slip of paper from husband to wife, the message is the comfort of knowing the thoughts of an eternal God towards His Most Beloved.


While it is amazing to consider that God would send a prophet in modern times, consider that almost all of the disciples and prophets were killed because of the message they delivered. Religion is so often abused for personal gain, and those who benefit from it's abuse hate to be called out by a True Prophet! The religious elite of that day killed Jesus because of this. John the Baptist was beheaded. John the Revelator was put into boiling oil, then put onto the Isle of Patmos because the oil didn't harm him!

God called us to not go with the flow of popularity, but rather with the direction of His Word, delivered in timely fashion by messengers He sends in each season. It is not always the easy choice, but rather a decision of Love for Jesus Christ who gave His Life for ours.


There is one God which exists eternally as a single person (Isaiah 45:6) and Jesus Christ is the expressed image of that single person (Hebrews 1:3).


Only through faith (Ephesians 2:8) in Jesus Christ (John 14:6) and obedience to the instruction of Acts 2:38 (repent and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ) can a person be born again into the Kingdom of God (John 15:14, John 3:3) and gain eternal life.


There is but one form of water baptism required by God (Mark 16:16, Ephesians 4:5). In Scripture, we see the disciples carrying out the instruction of Jesus (Matthew 28:19) and baptising by immersing in water in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 19:5) unto the remission of sins (Hebrews 10:18).


It is only by the leadership of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14), which is also the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13), that we can identify a born again child of God (I Peter 1:22-23). A born again child of God is one that is filled with the Love of God and expresses the very life of Jesus Christ each and every day (Matthew 7:17-20). Tongues and prophecies, while gifts from God, may fail (I Corinthians 13:8) but the seal of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13) seals the Child of God until the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30).


We're located downtown Lorain, OH and our doors are open every Sunday and Wednesday. We look forward to meeting you!